Well I guess I need to update my blog and perhaps the blog title because I FINISHED Ulpan Maagan Michael. I can’t believe five months past already. I met so many amazing people from so many places in such a short time! Somedays I wonder how I ended up where I am now after sitting on the floor of the airport waiting to get picked up on my first day here. That was July 27th and now today is January 6th. I won’t try to sum up right now the ulpan because its something so unique and special that I can’t even begin to do it.
As for an update as whats going on now...right after the ulpan ended I stayed with my friend Sam’s family from the ulpan for about a week in Holon. I had originally planned to stay with my friend Shay’s family who I was with at the beginning of this trip/journey/thing but because of some seriously unfortunate circumstances I was not able to. I was treated so well by the family there and was lucky to meet such nice people. I wrote the mother a letter in Hebrew thanking her and she called me and said she loved it. I left there the other day because their daughter was coming back from the army for the weekend and there probably wouldn’t have been room and I didn’t want to overstay my welcome.
Right now I am very lucky that my friend Mike is letting me stay with him in his family’s place in Tel Aviv. today he showed me around the artist market the shuk hacarmel and other places nearby the apartment. I cannot stress how lucky I am to have friends and people to stay with. I am going to volunteer at an eco lodge toursit place in the Arava desert for two months and I hope that will be fun. I was able to get my visa extended for 3 months so i can legally be allowed to be here so that is nice. I have some days here where I can think about where I am and what I want to do in a general sense. Well I plan on just chillin in the apartment tonight but I hope everyone had a Happy New Year!
You are a very loved young man and I cannot express the gamut of emotions I have when I think of you!