I haven’t decided what things are too monotonous too include but I want to say I had some really good cereal today. It was like Cocoa Puffs with a chocolate filling and is highly recommended. I think in a bit we are going to the main section of Beer Sheva. its the seventh largest city in Israel for those keeping score at home. Its known as the city of the fathers because of its relation to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. While at breakfast I went through the paper with Noam (my friends brother) and asked questions and looked through. Who knew they had Ace hardware out here? Well I got to go....
Just got back from driving around Beer Sheva. I saw Ben Gurion University of the Negev and all sorts of other buildings. We went walking around this outdoor mall situation which was cool. Then we went grocery shopping. I tried some olives and other stuff you could just taste which was cool. They also have these awesome sesame cake treats which i took pictures of. The grandmother who lives in this house speaks hebrew but mostly spanish and communicates with the mother in only spanish which is kinda awesome. So the mom speaks hebrew spanish and decent english. Apparently we are gonna eat some lunch then go to the house of Noam’s teachers for dinner then pick up Shay later.
Ok its like 10:30 and I am so tired so this all might not be coherent. We went and had dinner in Arad at a friends house that had an awesome view I wish I brought my camera after that we drove to get Shay. We had to pick him up from the army base which took us up and around what was basically a mountain and almost an hour. Then we had to get his stuff at another base and then go all the way back home. Lots of driving today and I’m tired. 
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