Saturday, November 19, 2011

Also I got my hat back

Well at the moment I feel a bit burnt out, maybe its from Hebrew or just this program. I think its just its hard to find the motivation on the weekends to study on the weekends sometimes. I think I once I make my decision on what I’m doing after which I need to do like now I will feel a bit better and such. I don’t have a lot to update really except that tomorrow I’m working in the dining hall just for that day so who knows. I just want to say to the past few days I have realized the awesome situation we have here. Like yesterday where I ate dinner with a people from Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and France. Sometimes its easy to take for granted hanging out and learning with people from all these countries. We just ordered some pizzas for dinner from a place called “American Pizza” which I obviously find amusing. Its getting a little chillier here but it depends if it rains. I also think I need to buy some new shoes because my slip on canvas shoes are pretty much shot. Me and Ziv always try to stream NHL games and we never get good coverage or anything and I solely blame the nation of Canada for no specific reason. I watched the movie “Drive” thats a really cool movie and I recommend its kinda slow and not a whole lot happens but the music is awesome and the action is good when it happens. The time went by really slow today which is good I guess but it just felt weird. At the moment people on facebook are saying its snowing in Minnesota. Which reminds me I need to go ice skating in the north still, maybe in a few weeks I will venture with some people for a day trip on the weekend who knows. Thats all I have for now but I should have news soon about something so keep your eyes peeled!

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